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RECIIS (Online) ; 15(4): 890-913, out.-dez. 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1344001


O campo de produção científica das ciências da saúde destaca-se historicamente como precursor do desenvolvimento das primeiras pesquisas que consolidaram o uso de fontes de informação científica no Brasil. Este artigo analisa o interdomínio dos estudos métricos da informação com a medicina. Elege o campo da medicina como representativo das ciências da saúde na base de dados Scopus, visando, assim, reconhecer esse espaço de produção científica a partir de indicadores de produtividade e de colaboração relacionados a autores, periódicos e instituições. Caracteriza o interdomínio em um corpus de 132 artigos da autoria de 28 pesquisadores, em um período de 28 anos. Apresenta os autores, periódicos e instituições mais producentes, bem como as relações de coautoria e de cocitação entre autores e periódicos. Define agrupamentos de autores e de periódicos, identificando os mais representativos do interdomínio analisado. Qualifica os artigos conforme os seus enfoques, segundo os três grupos-alvo da bibliometria, presentes em Glänzel (2003), e identifica as suas temáticas de pesquisa. Conclui que os autores mais representativos apresentam estudos com enfoques nos três grupos-alvo e que o periódico Scientometrics é o que estabelece a articulação das pesquisas constituintes do interdomínio de forma mais consistente.

The scientific production in health sciences has historically stood out as a precursor to the development of the first studies that consolidated the use of scientific information sources in Brazil. This article analyzes the interdomain between metric studies of information and medicine. The field of medicine is chosen as representative of health sciences in the Scopus database, thus seeking to recognize this space of scientific production from productivity and collaboration indicators related to authors, journals and institutions. It characterizes the interdomain in a corpus of 132 articles by 28 researchers over a 28-year period. It presents the most productive authors, journals and institutions, as well as the co-authoring and co-citation relationships between authors and journals. It defines clusters of authors and journals, identifying the most representative of the analyzed interdomain. It qualifies articles according to their focus on three target groups of bibliometry, presented by Glänzel (2003), and identifies their research themes. It concludes that the most representative authors present studies focusing on the three target groups and that Scientometrics journal is the one that establishes the articulation of the studies that make up the interdomain in a more consistent way.

El campo de la producción científica en ciencias de la salud se ha destacado históricamente como precursor del desarrollo de las primeras investigaciones que consolidaron el uso de fuentes de información científica en Brasil. Este artículo analiza el interdominio de los estudios métricos de la información y de la medicina. Se elige el campo de la medicina como representativo de las ciencias de la salud en la base de datos Scopus, con el objetivo de reconocer este espacio de producción científica a partir de indicadores de producción y de colaboración relacionados con autores, revistas e instituciones. Caracteriza el interdominio en un corpus de 132 artículos de 28 investigadores durante un período de 28 años. Presenta los autores, revistas e instituciones más productivos, así como las relaciones de coautoría, citación y cocitación entre autores y revistas. Define grupos de autores y revistas, identificando los más representativos del interdominio analizado. Califica los artículos según su enfoque de acuerdo con los tres grupos alvo de bibliometría, presentes en Glänzel (2003), e identifica sus temas de investigación. Se concluye que los autores más representativos presentan estudios centrados en los tres grupos destinatarios y que la revista Scientometrics es la que establece la articulación de las investigaciones que componen el interdominio de manera más consistente.

Humanos , Bibliometria , Ciência da Informação , Análise de Dados , Medicina , Informática Médica , Base de Dados , Publicação Periódica , Autoria na Publicação Científica
Front Res Metr Anal ; 5: 601442, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33870062


Domain analysis by means of scientific collaboration enables evidencing aspects that are involved in the establishment of relationships between researchers and institutions, such as the influence of institutional management models for the development of collaborative networks. This article aims to analyze the domain through the scientific collaboration network of the National Institute of the Atlantic Forest (INMA), a research unit currently affiliated to the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), formerly known as the Professor Mello Leitão Museum of Biology (MBML), in order to acknowledge the institutional research identity in its historical journey as a public institution. It is thus analyzed how co-authorship constitutes this network and what research profile it reveals. Co-authorship analysis is adopted as a methodology, as well as the analysis of administrative documents with the survey and categorization of employees, regarding their types of ties to the institution, combined with searches in the Scopus database for the corroboration of institutional affiliations. A corpus of 138 articles published by 41 researchers from 1993 to 2019 is consolidated in this base, which represents 44% of the Institute's total research collaborators (93 collaborators). Of these 41, 92.5% have temporary links, such as scholarship holders and/or volunteers, with the remaining being public workers. It is recognized that the citation impact of the scientific production of scholarship holders, consigned to the Institute, is less than the citation impact of the volunteers' and public workers' production. It is evidenced that eight of the ten publications with the greatest impact and thematic prominence correspond to the field of zoology, with emphasis on the fields of herpetology and primatology. Macro-level collaborative relations are more intense with the United States, in both areas mentioned, covering 16% of the total corpus of articles in cooperation with that country. Zoology, besides its greater impact, accounts for more than half of the corpus production (65.9%).On the other hand, botany is responsible for 30.4% of the corpus, with its dispersed international cooperation in a broad variety of countries. Individual authorship articles are 57% consigned to botany. In summary, the accomplished analysis will contribute to the development of institutional domain analysis methodologies that present scientific collaboration as a basic procedure.
